what are some specialties that will die out in the near future?

with the recent surge of posts by pgy2s asking what specialty is easy to get into and makes them 1mil a year😮‍💨..... i thought i would flip the table and ask what specialy would die out in the next few years

and by "die out" i don't mean completely eliminated,but just slowed down in demand and supply of jobs stagnates

(because we can safely assume that as the Aussie population ages into this dystopian capitalist society, the people will only get more and more sick, hence there will always be some demand for every single speciality)

let me start....

1) general pathology: the path college takes only 3 trainees in this field afaik, and even then it's under subscribed every year, general pathology are also becoming very hard to find these days, as all the labs want sub specialised pathologist

2) traditional urban gen med: the only jobs available these days for people who have only done gen med AT isn't in the regional hospitals, (if you're AT is gen med, idk why you would even want to work in a urban hospital, it's famously the "dumping ground" speciality), it has been a increasing trend among gen med trainees to do dual training in another specialty rather than just purely gen med..

3) traditional urban gp: now this might be far fetched but....... as the gps are forced to raise their gap fees and the medicare rebates remains frozen, it feels like patients would rather wait for their symptoms to get worse and show up to the emergency department with their medicare card rather than pay the 40-60 dollars of gap fees ironically the dying out of gp would raise the demand for emergency speciality untill, .. of course, the noctors rise up and unemploy the gps, which seems like the trend in every first world country these days. of course rural generalists and rural gps will still have some demand, but I don't think even they will be safe from this in the coming years

so what other specialties are loosing their momentum?