What's your annual leave balance
HI all.
I was wondering what people annual leave balance. I have for a long time always tried to have around 20 days up my sleeve, just in case something happens
My company does start hassling you when you are over 20, but if you have future days book, it means it doesn't appear in the report until your net days are over 20 (i.e. I have 25 days today, but 5 future days booked, so it's a net 20)
I work in I.T, so even though the business shutdown over Xmas/nye, we still need to have some staff on, so I have worked this in the past
My previous employer, was really hard-core about getting everyone's balance down, they had a policy, that you have to only have 8 days of leave by the end of March (Finance year for this JP company), but it was so staff could be made redundant cheaper, I came back from leave with a balance of about 3.5 days, and was made redundant.
So, I guess I always try and keep 20 days, however as I get older, I feel I need to take more leave to enjoy my life and not get too burned out.
So, does everyone try and keep a balance, or do people use all there leave and enjoy life.