Podcasts Just Stopped Downloading

Anyone have any ideas?

Went today to listen to some podcasts and Noticed none of the new podcasts got added, had a look and noticed none of the podcasts from any of the providers haven't auto downloaded in nearly 3 months. Searched found the research podcast tried to manually download with click, got hit with an error. Checked the logs and seen the following. Might need some input from someone way smarter than me on this one, here is the console log, trying to pull the audio for the Shawn Ryan Podcast:

Note: manually going to the RSS gets the data, going to the MP3 URL in the RSS also gets the audio file, so can't figure out why Audiobookshelf is having issues, seems to be getting some error and connection refused within audiobook shelf, this only started happening in the last 3 months, so maybe a newer version issue?

[2025-01-13 19:30:54.360] DEBUG: [Watcher] removeIgnoreDir: No longer ignoring directory "/podcasts/Shawn Ryan Show"
[2025-01-13 19:33:34.736] DEBUG: [podcastUtils] getPodcastFeed for "https://rss.pdrl.fm/55dc8e/feeds.megaphone.fm/WWO7410387571"
[2025-01-13 19:33:35.106] DEBUG: [podcastUtils] getPodcastFeed for "https://rss.pdrl.fm/55dc8e/feeds.megaphone.fm/WWO7410387571" success - parsing xml
[2025-01-13 19:33:37.299] DEBUG: [Watcher] addIgnoreDir: Ignoring directory "/podcasts/Shawn Ryan Show"
[2025-01-13 19:33:38.181] ERROR: [ffmpegHelpers] Failed to download podcast episode with url "https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/pdrl.fm/55dc8e/chrt.fm/track/8G441/pscrb.fm/rss/p/mgln.ai/e/41/traffic.megaphone.fm/WWO6890284213.mp3?updated=1736788174" AxiosError: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1611:16) {
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    url: 'https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/pdrl.fm/55dc8e/chrt.fm/track/8G441/pscrb.fm/rss/p/mgln.ai/e/41/traffic.megaphone.fm/WWO6890284213.mp3?updated=1736788174',
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      _header: 'GET /e/41/traffic.megaphone.fm/WWO6890284213.mp3?updated=1736788174 HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
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[2025-01-13 19:33:43.187] DEBUG: [Watcher] removeIgnoreDir: No longer ignoring directory "/podcasts/Shawn Ryan Show"