Currently teaching myself astrology, and I need some practice. Comment your big 3, and i’ll tell you about yourself.
I don’t wanna be out here giving unsolicited readings for my friends and family lol. That being said, I have to practice somehow. So, let me know your big 3, and i’ll give a quick synopsis. then you can tell me how accurate I was, or if I completely missed the mark. 😊😊
Edit: I'll do my best to get to as many people as I can! This is really great practice for me so I might dedicate a chunk of time over the next few days to hammer out some of these readings. I promise I’ll get to yours!
Edit 2: Wow, i’m so happy I have so much practice material to last me a while. Thank you everyone so far for any feedback. It’s getting late where I am so i’m gonna go to sleep but I am going to be revisiting this post as much as I can. I have a lot more free time these days.
Also, why are there so many libra risings in this thread?! where did you all come from?!?! LOL
Stay happy and safe everyone 🩵