What possible variants and evolutions of the hidden blade you think was out there? Do you guys have your own headcanon?
Different countries with different ideas and resources at hand. The Hook blade from ottomans and Phantom blade from the french was certainly the most unique and cool one to me. Sean has his cool hidden taser but being so close to the palm feels like a flaw. I dunno why they didnt just make it a extendable taser baton so it will look like a hidden blade but its just a long stick that extends from your wrist to taser you.
The pivot blade is coold but seems like an upgrade all hidden blades should have. The grappling hook wasnt really a london thing just the frie twin special exclusive upgrade.
Sounds crazy but why not a hidden blade for your feet? Sounds bad but outside of combat you can use it for assassinations by dropping on them foot first. Utility wise maybe the blade are super thick and wide and strong that it acts like mountain climbing ice picks. Think about it. It would be similar to how hookblade was used to propel ezio upwards now you can copy paste that where parkouring up can be propel up using the feet blades. Maybe you can add unique stuff from another ubisoft franchise lets say PRINCE OF PERSIA . Bring the horizontal wall runs dude. I cannot imagine how cool it would be to finally have horizontal wall runs in AC it would be so awesome.
what ideas do you guys have?