Kentucky Birth Certificate Gender Change Assistance Much Desired!
One of my partners was born in Kentucky and needs their gender marker changed, but ideally they wouldn't have surgery. They have been on hormones for quite some time, but truthfully they were passing and had the physique of their preferred gender prior to ever even starting hormones. No one has ever incorrectly gendered them, even doctors and nurses, and they need to frequently remind healthcare professionals of their birth sex when being prompted for sex-specific checkups. They can absolutely live stealth... except that gosh darn Kentucky birth certificate keeps coming up.
Given the current state of affairs, I've tried to look into the matter, and KY requires that you have a letter from a SRS surgeon basically saying you've had your gender changed surgically. Discussions in the past about this have led me to believe this doesn't necessarily mean your genitals have to be changed. Does anyone have any experience with this law and/or know how flexible this is? I'm not asking for legal advice, just preferably some kind of experience or information.