Apex Predators are breaking rank 2025 (Console$

So, I believe is time for me to find an other game.

I'm currently in D2 and probably get into master, but... the rank system right now is broken.

Predators are rolling tru diamond lobbies with 20+ kills.

With the infection of the Cronus Zen, and we know lots of this top players use it, we ain’t blind not to see it, this 3 stackers diamond lobbies crusher also exploit the ridiculous things of this game, like the L-Star for example.

Devs need to make Master and predators only lobbies even if they have to wait like other games do. That's part of being in a small pool. Put them all together with pc masters and predators to make that pool bigger.

It is not fun anymore, specially for duos and solo q ppl. What's the point of diamond lobbies anyways? It is not competitive, it is incredibly hard to have a competitive match to the point that maybe all the community need to join the zen train to be able to compete.