What is with the attitude of the highest level players?

I am currently working my way through diamond 2, but was masters last split and the last few seasons. This means I am matched with apex predators for about 50-60% of my games. My squad generally plays more defensively (not more passively) in a pred lobby, but on the off chance we fight a pred team and actually win, we like to see if those players are streaming so we can analyse where we went wrong/they went wrong and what caused us to win the fight. And of course to relive the moment of killing a pro player.

My problem comes with an observation of many apex predators. They are clearly very talented at the game, but why are so many of their instant reactions when they die to a diamond/low masters team to call cheats? So many times I have checked out an apex predator streaming to 15 viewers throwing hackusations towards anyone they die to, including me. After they're dead and spectating, I've seen pred streamers going through my banner in the kill report saying how trash I am.

Now I have the greatest respect for both small streamers on the grind and players who have perfected the game, but surely if you want to grow your audience being salty and blaming any of your deaths on cheating enemies makes you come off as a bit egotistical?