I quit today. Thanks /r/antiwork

I'm an older chap. Probably older than most of you around here. I used to think this sub was a bunch of commies and lefties. As I read more and more of your posts I started to rethink my situation at my job. I had been there years and couldn't move anywhere. I tried it all. I had good reviews but I just couldn't move and they wanted it that way. I did a lot of interviews and at least three times I found out the new guy was younger. It has happened to a lot of other people there as well.

Well as chance would have it, a few weeks ago I was dicking around Indeed and I looked up a job that had my kind of qualifications and I came up with a few hits. The first one sounded like actual fun and it brought a smile to my face. "Wouldn't that be crazy?"

So for the hell of it, I applied to the job as kind of a joke and 15 minutes later they emailed me for a phone interview. I then went to a live interview and the chap understood perfectly my situation because he came from the same side of the business world as I did. When they offered me 25% more than I was making, my jaw almost dropped.

So, yes, today I quit my old going nowhere job. I owe it all to you guys. And yes, I was wrong. I dont think you're all a bunch of commie lefties anymore. You are all just people trying to better yourselves and not be made slaves. Don't get stuck in a job that you "like" but get nowhere. What a great way to start the year. Blessings to you all.

This is the way.