WFG (World Financial Group) 100% Scam, Sharing My Experience
Hello. This is my experience with WFG World Financial Group. This is 100% a scam and a pyramid scheme. They operate like a cult.
I will start from the beginning
High school friend invited me to a hangout. At the hangout he told me about an amazing job/financial opportunity and asked me to come to the next meeting with him. I agree because I trust him even though we are not that close.
I attend this meeting. There is a lobby full of WFG members(who were all a little TOO nice), as well as people who’s never heard of WFG (like myself). Amongst those people were young university students like myself, immigrants, and low-wage workers like Uber drivers. You probably have a good idea on what types of people they target: people who are desperately looking for money.
The event starts, and all the new folks were rushed into a separate room from the WFG members. In that room, there was a presenter speaking about how great WFG is, and the financial freedom it offers. The slideshow presentation shows many graphs and promises on how we can get rich and retire early. It even showed the members of WFG who makes 100k-1mil along with their success stories. It’s always a sob story that poor people can relate to, the “I started from nothing but WFG called to me” type of story. Anyone can do it. Sounds easy right?
The promises of easy financial freedom, 100% guidance from my upline, free promotional gifts, friendly coworkers, and paid group vacations sounded so good. I was tempted to sign up, so I did. I paid the fee to join and signed the paperwork. It was after that when I realized I wasn’t just going to be selling insurance, but I had to recruit too. They made me pay for books and classes to go through training to get certified before I could even call myself a WFG member. And they were very heavy on pressuring me to recruit anyone I know. They would organize WFG outings were members would go to a busy area in the city to talk up complete strangers to join. They would make me list EVERYONE I have on my phone contacts on paper and pressure me to call them. Even when I said I’d rather not involve people I know, and that I’d rather sell insurance instead of recruit, they would tell me the amount of money I make by selling the product and not recruiting would be very very low. They WILL NOT leave you alone until you’ve tried to recruit all your friends, family, highschool buddies, ANYONE you know. And they will get annoyed if you try to say no.
That’s when I ghosted WFG. When I ghosted them, no one in my WFG group cared why or tried to contact me to see if everything was OK, this is because they are so used to people ghosting them after the scam realization kicks in. I sold 0 and recruited 0. When confronted about being a pyramid scheme, they said the usual “pyramid schemes are illegal” and that WFG is part of Transamerica which is super credible. Right.