What is an anime you love, but it's extremely hard to convince other people to watch it.

Listen man, Made in Abyss is one of the greatest anime of all time and I will love it until the day this world comes to an end. But if I were to tell someone else to watch it, (assuming their first impression isn't that it's a cute ghibli show) they would send me to prison. Because uhhh... Fucked up shit happens in that show man. This show can make you REALLY uncomfortable sometimes. And some people might see those scenes and get turned off. BUT the anime is one of the best experiences you will have (and in some cases, the worst but it's extremely worth it). You want fantastic world building? You got that shit. You want compelling and well-written characters? Hell yeah. You want to feel emotional like he never had before? Yessssirrr. If you're hesitant, I can assure you this Made in Abyss is one of the best anime out there.