They don't take care of their own people and yet they want to use us and our loved ones out to fight in a stupid war so they can come back MUTILATED, DEAD or TRAUMATIZED and even when they come back there own COUNTRY WHO YOU FOUGHT FOR CAN SCREW YOU OVER and make you homeless. I've heard countless of homeless people giving me the story of how the VA screwed them over because of bullshit.

I HATE how people point shit out with how clear the government is CORRUPTED and how rich people STAY RICH, and they build in this idea that IF YOU WORK HARDER YOU'LL BE MORE SUCCESSFUL. MY PARENTS HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR YEARS AND THEY'RE STILL IN THE SAME SPOT. "Get your money up," Is what people say now. HOW SIR? NO ONE IS HIRING, NO ONE WANTS TO CALL OUT ON THE BULLSHIT BECAUSE "Hey maybe things will get better, someone else will do it, I don't want to be the odd one out," FUCK YOU THIS IS A REPEAT. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHEN WE GOT UPSET ABOUT TAXING BEER OR WHATEVER. I'M SICK OF IT.

When I was growing up I wanted to own a small business that can feed people even if they can't pay. I'm 24, still in college, and I have a hard time believing that dream is going to come true. They're pricing us out of living and calling us spoiled when we ask for that..yet here we are okay with taking the L's..I get we're tired but goddamn I don't want to live this life forever.

This is just a rant after a dream I had. You can choose to ignore it (which you can't do for long) or I don't know correct me on my ignorance or whatever, but something needs to change.