American Dad Dream I had: "The Invisibos"

It was about football, where the Bazooka Sharks were playing against "The Invisibos". The Invisbos kept going invisible, and doing Harlem Globtrotter shit, running circles around the sharks. At one point, they replaced the ball with a gay porno mag, giving the Sharks a penalty and making them lose "9/11 points".

Eventually Steve decided he had enough, and decided to do something about it. He ate a waffle, then it showed a floating stan with no pupils and black ooze coming out of his nose, telling Steve to give him the waffle. And then I woke up.

It was about football, where the Bazooka Sharks were playing against "The Invisibos". The Invisbos kept going invisible, and doing Harlem Globtrotter shit, running circles around the sharks. At one point, they replaced the ball with a gay porno mag, giving the Sharks a penalty and making them lose "9/11 points".

Eventually Steve decided he had enough, and decided to do something about it. He ate a waffle, then it showed a floating stan with no pupils and black ooze coming out of his nose, telling Steve to give him the waffle. And then I woke up.