Serious - What makes you believe that Aliens are bad or good, or even comprehendable?

In short, I've been dragged down the rabbit hole since the New Jersey drones thing started Nov 2024.

I'll start by saying that the current theory is that the big bang occured 14 billion years ago.

Theories believe that earth and our solar system formed 5 billion years ago.

That means that our solar system formed around 9 billion years after the big bang happened.

Let's say another solar system formed 6 billion years ago, and that from this life was created, what we would term as aliens. Basically life that has had a 1 billion years headstart on us.

It's believed that humans first started as primates 60 million years ago.

If we pulled a human being from 2 million years ago in the past to today, do you think that they would understand us?

If we went 1 million years into the future, on our current cusp of our technological curve today, do you think we would be able to comprehend the society, concepts and thoughts of human beings?

What I am trying to portray, is that we see alien beings through our current lens of understanding.

What make people believe that we can even begin to comprehend anything about aliens or their intentions, and in that if they are good or bad?
