Something weird is happening in the sky world wide
Something weird is happening and it is not just in the US or some hotspot like New Jersey It is everywhere
I live in a small town in the Netherlands pretty quiet nothing really happens here But lately when I walk at night and look up I see stuff Orbs moving in ways that do not make sense things darting across the sky fast and sharp and sometimes these weird big planes or drone like things that do not look normal I check FlightRadar and there is nothing there No planes no helicopters nothing
It is not just me either People all over are seeing things lights drones orbs whatever you want to call them It is happening in cities small towns rural areas everywhere And it is not random anymore it feels like it is getting more common
I do not know what it is but it is hard to ignore now If you are paying attention you have probably noticed it too
Anyone else seeing this where they live What do you think is going on