Questions regarding programming a trading bot
I have programming experience and I want to try to create an automated trading bot. Don't really care about Strategy atm, will get to that once bot is capable of trading. Have 0 experience in trading in general.
- Is it even possible to code this on my local computer? I've read posts on the reddit on stuff like Strategix Trading free trial, but they taut a "Low Code Solution" which I'm not particularly interested in. QuantConnect/Lean is said to be free, but I would like to know how much coding is actually involved, and I don't really understand what they will do that I can't do on my own (once again, no trading background, are they a brokerage? Do I need an account?).
- How much storage/processing power is required? I only plan to do small scale (no trading experience so no idea what "small" is. Like 10 stocks?)
- What is considered a "good" trading speed? Do people do real time calculations and trade from that?
- Do any of these have a processing fee for buying/selling? If yes, is there something like a test share? If not........?
- Any "Please don't do this stupid mistake while coding and cost yourself immeasurable pain" advise that you feel necessary? Anything i SHOULD know?
Sorry if these are stupid questions. I tried reading the posts here but I felt that a majority of these type of questions were about trading strategy more than the programming aspect.
Thank you in advance.
Edit 1. Current advise is "Paper Trading" and a lot of "it depends based on strategy"
u/ssd_666 recommeded Part Time Larry (Youtube) for coding and Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems (Kevin Davey) which seemed really popular here. Will check it out