calling all nerds!

I sit next to a girl in form- let’s call her Ruby (rhymes with booby lol) and I have been playfully flirting with her over the past few days (stealing her pen and giving it back for instance). She has been less than enthusiastic towards me but I’ll put it down to her sense of humour- she put her hand up and asked to move from me lol, jokes! I believe we would be somewhat of a power couple, and that my intellectual capacity and love for anime would more make up for her lacklustre skillset (she takes criminology). I was wondering then, from this subreddit, how to ask her out in the slickest way- I’ve thought of writing her a song or a poem or asking her out in front of the class, but they don’t seem big enough- I want to do something particularly eye catching, nay, eye catching, passing and then dunking (basketball reference in case you’re slow). I know the fellow nerds on here will prevail in helping me! Now let’s lose that V card!