Do your pets ever ruin your day?

Now before y’all destroy me, I absolutely love my pets. I have 4 cats & a dog. I love them with all my heart & sometimes I think they delight in my suffering.

I live at home with my parents (who are both allergic to cats & also love them & cherish them). They keep their bedroom door shut always to help with allergies. My bedroom door is always open during the day because I have a litterbox, food, water, & a giant cat bed (aka my bed).

My cats are aged 16, 12, 2, & 7 months. My old lady has some health issues & has been throwing up giant puddles of water 2-3x/week (yay me, poor bb).

so ANYWAY. I have ADHD & my spoons are limited & just yesterday I spent my precious spoons on changing my sheets & doing laundry & making my bed - the whole shabang. Tonight I come to my room, excited to go to sleep in a nice, clean bed, when what do I see??? My cat threw up right in the middle of my fluffy comforter & it went through to my sheets & my mattress pad 😭😭😭 it made me cry because I JUST DID THIS YESTERDAY. so I just had a big cry while changing my sheets. again. & I had such a good day & now I just feel blah.

I love my cat, she’s my baby. But why, bb, why my bed?? If you don’t have pets it’s hard to understand the amount of love & frustration that coexists for fur children.