Advice please re: therapist
I’m having a weird situation happen, and I feel really uncomfortable, and I’m not sure what to do or how to proceed, so I wanted to reach out here and gather some perspective, please.
I live in CO, USA. For several years, I saw a psychologist who diagnosed me with ADHD and GAD. He made some comments regarding my physical appearance that were inappropriate, so I canceled my remaining appointments and did not see him again (August 2022). I sought out a new psychologist, who I’m still seeing now.
Last week my former therapist called me and left me a voicemail, identifying himself with his first and last name, no “Dr. ____”, and said he was thinking about me and wanted to see how I was doing. I immediately got the icks, had a good panic attack about it, and tried to just disregard it.
Yesterday he called me AGAIN. He said I’d probably forgotten to return his call and that he’d like to catch up sometime.
I feel really weird about this. I mean, Really Weird. This is not a person I’d like to have a friendship with. This is not someone I feel comfortable running into in public. I live in a smallish suburb west of town and have run into him at my local grocery store, so I’m just out of sorts about this. I don’t know if or how to respond. I feel compelled to email my current psychologist and see what she thinks. It feels very unethical and creepy. I am likely overthinking this and putting myself through some stress for what is probably nothing, but I wanted to reach out and see if I’m losing my grip on reality here, if this is a normal thing for a former therapist to do, how to proceed, etc. Is this unethical? What do I do? He even knows where I live.
I don’t have much in the way of friends at this time in my life, so I was hoping to glean some advice from like minded people. Thank you. <3