withdrawals - how long is too long?

backstory: i ran out of my adhd medication two weeks ago so was staving off the worst of withdrawals with my depression medication. i have a repeat for it but i was waiting to see my psychiatrist to see if he would change both my adhd medication and my depression medication (something he talked about doing bc im still in the stage of finding medication that works) i kept the same depression medication and he changed my adhd medication

flash forward about a week and im on the new meds (so far so good, no major headaches from this one thank god 🙌🏻) but i still feel like my brain is melting out of my ears and that my face is falling off. is this normal to still be feeling withdrawal symptoms after this long?? im on a slightly lower dose, 5mg instead of 10mg, but surely thats not enough to be feeling this shit still??? anyone else gone through this???