What do you want your loved ones understood about your ADHD?
We're often taught not to care so much about what people think about us as long as we're being honest with yourselves and know our truth, but the reality is that we are human, with natural social tendencies, and many of us have regular friends and family members that are important to our lives.
Having people around us that are willing to understand our ADHD -- while also being willing to do the work ourselves to find solutions that allow us work through the unfortunate shortcomings that come with the diagnosis -- is essential to being able to manage our ADHD.
I also know that our ADHD does impact our loved ones in some way or the other. For me, my brain fog, forgetfulness, lack of organization or inability to respond to messages and phone calls does frustrate my husband, close friends and family members. I also understand exactly what's going on with me when these things happen and want to be able to explain myself without sounding like I'm making excuses.
So with that: What is one (or a few) things that you want your loved ones to understand about ADHD?
EDIT #1: For me, I think I really just want to feel believed. That I'm not making excuses, that it's not easy for me to suck it up and deal with it, and that I am smart enough and capable of doing anything: I just have to figure out different routes to get there.
EDIT #2: I also think I want people to understand that I struggle to follow through on even the things I'm most interested in. My lack of follow-through has nothing to do with disinterest.