Struggling to find YA fantasy that isn't so romance heavy.

I've been up and down when it comes to reading (thanks pandemic) and I've noticed I gravitate less and less to Young Adult books. I think a big thing for me is that I dislike how romance heavy most of the YA fantasy books have become (though, they might already have been like that, but the younger me ate that up). I recently read Spin the Dawn (which I think is fairly populair?), and it felt more-so I was reading a romance in a fantasy setting. There was also a painful lack of female characters. This is honestly a trend I've noticed in several YA books I read somewhat recently (Defy the Night, Fable, A Winter's Promise which I DNF'ed). I miss my genuine, female friendships in books.

It could be that I've outgrown YA (Fantasy), seeing as I'm in my mid-twenties by now. But YA is often a comfort read for me, but I'm enjoying them less and less. YA Fantasy I've enjoyed in the past are: Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom, A Curse so Dark and Lonely (DNF'ed the sequel) and Sorcery of Thorns. Non-YA books I've adored were: The House in the Ceruelean Sea, Frostheart and I do enjoy most of Rick Riordan's work, which is more so MG than YA. (John Flanagan is also a guilty pleasure of mine, though I don't read his stuff for his well-written female characters or great female friendships and more-so for the fun adventures).

Update: I'm overwhelmed by how many people replied. I tried to collect all the books mentioned and put them in a Spreadsheet, in case anyone is interested. I do own several of the books (or authors) recommended so I will give them a shot. I also have found many new authors I'm interested in, so I'm very grateful!