Probably going to start a dragon archiving sub and/or discord.

As I've been tracking down cover art for my dragon media calendar, it's become very obvious that the Internet is doing squat to preserve them. No one is doing their own scans anymore, they're just scaling down Amazons cover image.

So if Amazon deletes it, all we have is the often edited copies. And it's not like Amazons copies are always amazing either. And if you're looking for pre Amazon covers that's a whole different thing. Found some covers from the 70/80s where the highest resolution Google could find was like 500x250

This includes backs and interior art and maps.

More than that I want to archive anything where dragon authors or directors discussed their work. Interviews, tweets, blog posts, articles, etc. Not everything but most things that give interesting info about the work or fandom. I love charts.

Went looking for posts from Noviks Temeraire fan art contest and discovered it was in a state of disrepair with art missing or links broken and that's an active living author.

Posted that too early.

The problem is reddit isn't really the right format for that and discord is isolated and barely an improvement unless you know it exists. So doing both seems like the only good option.