How the hell has this light tank not been gutted, nerfed, or changed so that whenever it comes to a sniping map like prokhorovka, or malinovka they don't just auto win by creeping up in a brush by 1 km/h. I get it with knowledge you can blindfire them, but that is the problem in a sniper TD which should specialize in detecting these little fuckers. I shouldn't have to know what 1 bush they might be in out of hundreds. I shouldn't be sitting here with a 4-5 skill crew on my skorp but still be unable to spot these light tanks. Until my 6th sense goes off and I just instantly die.
I'm at my wit's end I have had enough of these tanks that NEVER should of made it in this state because at least with hull down heavies you can punish them with premium rounds. You can't punish something you can't see and when you can see you can't hit because it is so small moves so fast and has the profile of a fucking toy car either give it a 20% larger profile, lower it's view range so it can actually be spotted by something the same tier as it or even reduce it's camou rating, or better yet give sniper TDs an item to specifically counter light tanks.