7 wins alone today over 40 games played. [Rant]
As the title suggests I have won only 7 games to over 45 played today and I think it's all my fault. I'm not performing well enough out of the 15 members on my team and I'm hooked to playing. Can't end on a loss so to speak. It feels surreal, unhinged, deranged all at the same time that I could lose this hard that at some point I think I broke out a laugh at how impossible the circumstances seemed. Did I do something to someone to deserve this, what can I do to if anything? Yes this is a cry for help. I don't know whether to quit, cry, sell my tanks, end myself or do all of the above because clearly this is a skill-issue and I am flattered that I am the piece that controls the outcome of each game. The question I have is directed to those who have been where I am or understand where I am coming from: What can I do to stay motivated-- if anything, to continue playing this game knowing I am currently not having fun. I am not finding the enjoyment I was when I was experimenting and learning how to play the game for the first time. I am not thinking straight and letting anger completely consume me with each game I play, I am like any of those random ___ ___ ___ you encounter in this game who lash out at everyone around them (in this case I keep them to myself but mainly bash the crap out of myself). Every step I take seems to be clearly in the wrong direction and I'm nearing the tipping point. The answer is most-definitely obvious but I have to ask a dumb question: What can/should I do?