XVM - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

I don't know about you, but I'm beyond frustrated by the games current match making. It's becoming increasingly rare to have a good quality game. It's like constantly appearing in a shit show of mayhem and madness.

Im trying to mark a number of tanks. My personal rating, and marks or excellence are important KPIs that measure daily. I want to be proficient at the game to a decent(ish) level.

8000 rating would be where I expect to perform at and can do consistently with fair match making, but the shear gamble of what shit show of a team you're given makes this near impossible.

People who platoon have an advantage I suppose, but a significant proportion of the players I seem to have on my teams just suicide and die with 500/800 damage at tier 8/9. That's it. That's their contribution.

OK, sometimes shot happens. You make the wrong play or get ammo racked. But there is a huge, and I mean massive, proportion of the random community that are shit and don't give a shit either.

Anyway, i recently started using aslains mod specifically for the range of options for marks of excellence monitoring.

I also added the XVM mod and activated my account. now even before I start the game I can see from the colour scheme, the people who are going to be potentially poor tomatoes.

I suspect that using the XVM rating mod I'm already starting a game with a sense of what's likely to occur. And when the inevitable shit show performs on que I'm fucking livid. I get banned from chat regularly because I'm venting my bile in chat. The word Cunt is used liberally.

I'm sorry for that. And I try to keep it under control, but....

If I didn't use the mod, and at the post game stats I see that progetto on my teams dies in the first 2 mins with 678 damage. I'm none the wiser (unless it happens right infront or me). I probably wouldn't know that this player had 30k games and a rating of 2375.

Getting to the point. Do you think I should use XVM or not?