Setting up an LED Panel with an arduino
I'm building a project in which I want to set up an led panel with an arduino and program the panel.
I bought a 255px LED panel (here is the link). And I got a very basic arduino. Now I'm having issues with the wiring I bought two USB Power supplies (link) and I'm struggling with how to set this all up.
I'm thinking I
- Power up the Arduino using the USB port on the power bank.
- Then I connect the VCC (so the red wire) of the LED panel to the 5V Output of my second usb bank. I connect the black ground wire to the ground pin of the power bank.
- I then connect the data wire of the panel to a digital pin on my Arduino.
Now my Issue is that I have read online that I should connect the Ground of the LED panel to the ground of the arduino as well. Is this true? And how would I do that?
I'm a complete beginner and can't make sense of this I would greatly appreciate your help!