If vampires would breach the masquerade and humanity would know about vampires, wouldn't blood sorcery make humans accept that magic is real and let mages let work their magic paradox free?

I thought about this quite a bit. Shouldn't a full-blown war between humanity and vampires make humanity perfectly fine with supernatural magic abilities? For example, levitating a car, jumping from building to building, teleporting through darkness, and so on. There is a discipline for everything. Meaning that in the mind of humans this is all perfectly possible. Wouldn't this automatically make century old mages be able to return to reality, especially arch-mages, and let them work their magic? Because the second archmages could work their magic paradox-free, it would be game over for vampires. As for as I know magic doesn't work because the censous of what HUMANS think of what's possible. A dot 6 energy sphere archmages could just spam nukes and so on. Is there anything in the lore going against this? I think it's only what humans believe, or is there something else that would stop mages from letting them use their magic freely?