[Intro] Crash Landing
"FUCK, FUCK, SHIT, SITH SPIT!" Pulling up on the stick, Fane braces herself for entering the planets' atmosphere going way too fast. "By the Galaxy please! YOU STUPID PIECE OF JUNK!" The sight of the atmosphere racing towards her and the flames starting to lick at the nose of her ship cause the woman to panic, screaming as she braces her feet on the command console and attempts to pull the nose of the craft upwards.
Outside of the pub, the portal crackles and flashes a few times before another portal opens...in the sky. The green swirling formation stays peaceful for the moment before it too crackles. Through the portal rips a flaming starship that barrels towards the ground at full tilt. With an impact that shakes the ground, it impacts and buries the nose of it into dirt.