Seeking Advice: What are Typical Overnight Deli Duties?

I work the deli's third shift and am starting my 4th month in this role. What tasks are typically assigned to the overnight deli shift? My store does not seem to have an established system or checklist that managers share with employees about what needs to be completed.

I've had two great overnight supervisors during my time here. One would provide direction on tasks, while the other let me focus on my routine of flipping and refilling the deli case, washing dishes, and taking out the trash. However, one supervisor recently left and their replacement approached me in an abrasive manner about things supposedly being left undone.

Is there a standard overnight checklist or closing procedure that I should be aware of? It would be helpful to know what the official expectations are for the third shift deli responsibilities so I can prioritize tasks appropriately. There seems to be a lack of communication from management around this. Any guidance would be appreciated!