Book & Author Disappeared?

There’s a book that’s been completed about 3 years ago and sometimes I like to go back and reread it just because of how well written it is, but this time I cannot find that book. It’s not in any of my reading lists, archives, and the author is not in my following anymore. I know for a fact if I like the book I keep them on a list and archive.

If anyone recognizes the plot… It’s a fantasy book taking place before modern society, about a man who seeks out a goddess of winter that lives inside a forest. He captures her for the sake of becoming stronger and fighting in a war to overthrowing a king. After certain time is spent together she gets her vision in the spring and is taken to his village. This is where the man betrays her and attempts to kill her with a “blood knife”. She’s immortal so she lived but towards the end of the book she becomes the main leader of the war just to spite the man that captured her and kills off the king. The book placed a lot of emphasis on how others perceive her as weak since she’s not as known as other gods and shows to prove nearly everyone wrong. There’s more to the plot that leads to a second book butITS GONE and I don’t remember the title at all :(

This first book is completed but the second only had a few chapters… pls help i beg