
We all know about the team's general entitlement when it comes to money and business, but that's actually not what this post is about! I'm complaining about something a lot more petty.

I listen to PodWatcher and it's always a hit or miss for me. Because of the more casual, conversational environment they create, they aren't "on" in the same way that they are for their main channel content. There's obviously still a certain level of performance, but it isn't nearly as exaggerated; I get the impression that the version of the boys presented in the podcast is a lot more honest and authentic to who they are in their day-to-day lives. I appreciate that a lot, actually—I think it’s a much-needed humanizing element to their personas. It's easy to get lost in the snark and only see them as cynical, cartoonish caricatures, so having PodWatcher as a balancing touchstone is very refreshing to me.


Humanization isn't an entirely positive experience. When I say that it's balanced, I mean just that: there's both good and bad to be gleaned from listening. This peek behind the curtain doesn't always make them look good; in fact a lot of the time it's less of a peek behind the curtain and more like lifting a rock to see the nasty little bugs under there.

They show their asses in a lot of different ways. There are elements of each of their individual personalities that I find off-putting. But something they all share equally is a general sense of entitlement. (My knee-jerk reaction is to blame this on the Los Angeles of it all, but I've been called out for being unfair and judgmental about that before, which is fair—it's a big city with a variety of cultures within its limits. Wealthy tech bros are only a fraction of the populace.)

At least once per episode, somebody will say something I find jarring. It could be any one of them. Usually the other two will be in complete agreement. Occasionally Shane will dissent, seemingly a bit self-conscious of how he privileged he's coming off—but not often. I wish he did it more. I wish Steven and Ryan did it at all. The two of them seem to struggle with wrapping their heads around other modes of thought whatsoever.

Their most common offense is snide remarks about the way other people go about doing things. If anyone does anything that is in any way inconvenient for them whatsoever, they can get pretty nasty about it—and a lot of what they’re up in arms about are things that I would consider rather mundane or normal. (For example, Ryan went on a tangent recently about people who don't immediately start their cars and drive away as soon as they get into them. I can understand this in certain contexts, but he seemed to be bothered by it overall. Maybe that's a big city thing? I live in a rural area.)

They also don't seem willing to entertain the idea that people aren't usually trying to be disrespectful. Everything is a personal affront and everyone should "know better." I get especially annoyed when they're ranting and raving about plane etiquette. The truth of the matter is the standard person doesn't take flights as often as you do, boys. They don't know the particulars. I'd be mortified if I was on a plane, completely out of my element, and then some rich guys started giving me attitude for not following all the unspoken rules.

And I'm not even going to get into Steven's hot takes on tipping. That conversation went about as well as you would expect.

It just bothers me how little empathy they seem to have for other people in general. We're all just trying to live our lives. Be respectful, give others grace. Having a certain amount of money in a big city shouldn't mean that the whole world bends to you. They're just so locked into their bubble. It makes me worry about their sustainability—not only as a brand, but as happy, healthy people. Sometimes when I’m listening all I can think is, Come on, dude. Aren’t you exhausted?

But maybe I'm just oversensitive! I'd be curious to hear other people's takes on this, since I don't see a lot of PodWatcher discussion here. I'd love to see more. I'm actually quite behind on their standard content so I have less to contribute there.