New Player Imperial Fists List
I originally made a salamanders army but really didn't like the playstyle, so I am swapping to imperial fists! Currently just have a heavy intercessor squad, but was considering getting the bastion strike force box. With that, my army would look like:
1x Tor Garadon 2x Heavy Intercessor squad (10) 1x Aggressors
And as far as vehicles, I was thinking:
1x Ballistus dreadnaught 1x Gladiator Lancer
For a 1k point casual army, is this decent? My playgroup is pretty much just chaos undivided/some nurgle players. Does this cover the bases? I know having so many heavy intercessors isn't meta, but the box comes with so many and I really do love the look. Any feedback is appreciated, I'm not really sure how to kit out these units. I really do love the idea of just hunkering down and dishing out bolter fire in the emp's name though!