Plastids are a scam
Plastids are a scam. They are not as easily built up as other random resources, yet almost every item craftable in a dojo requires at least 300+ plastids per piece. Plastids are a way of controlling the flock. Sheep. We're all being played by the masses of infested, the hive of the infested. Maybe even Wally, the man in the wall.
It's all a set up. We grind plastids, day in day out. Farming to build our cool little dojos but it's all some elaborate scheme to distract us from figuring out what's really going on. It's like some backwards laundering scheme, where we get the plastids while they stay cooped up, shrouded like a stalker in the smoke. I don't know what they're up too, but I am gonna figure it out.
They can't keep controlling us with these plastid droughts. It's like mining for coal at the age of 8, calling it Minecraft to cope. It's all too simple, so simple we never figured it out. Plastids are the Warframe's diamonds. They're not too scarce if you know where to look, but not too common to be farmed so easily early on. The infested even lure us to the farms by giving "bonus affinity!, Bonus Resource drops and drop chance!" even extra affinity on specific weapons. We've all been fooled time and time again.
It's time we made a revolution for plastids! Look at it, it mocks us. Stand up Tenno, it's time to get our plastids.