Ideas For Reworks/Touch Ups

So I just wanted to give my thoughts on frames that could use touch ups/reworks. If I don't have much of an idea as to what could help a frame, then I will say as much. Numbers followed by "(?)" are values of the ability that would probably change. As to whether they would scale, I have no clue.

I'll go through them alphabetically, so yeah.

My favorite changes are definitely Atlas, Chroma and Equinox. The Oberon would be pretty fun, too.



The only ability that could use a bit of a boost would be Shuriken. This isn't so much that he needs it, but it'd be nice. Something along the following:

  • Have it split into 3(?) shurikens that home to enemies nearby. These secondary shurikens wouldn't split, but would travel to 5(?) new enemies (or to the nearest one, if there are not enough within range). This makes it a neat low-level enemy clear that turns into a decent armor stripping tool w/ Seeking Shuriken.

Frankly, this is just about everything I can think of for him. While it'd be cool if Teleport could be more interesting, I think that there's no harm in keep it as a purely long-range mobility tool (like Nova's Worm Hole). If you don't plan on ever using it, then it'll make for an easy subsume slot, if nothing else.

This change really isn't needed, but I think it'd be cool.


While Atlas has the strength to still manage in today's content, he suffers from half of his kit being effectively useless (his Tectonics and Rumblers). Sure, his Rumblers draw some enemy fire for a bit and his Tectonics does... something... but neither ability has any real impact on how he plays. Frankly, they both could easily disappear from his kit and not have their absence be noticed by many.

Tectonics is tricky to make suggestions for, as it goes against the typical flow of his kit. Since Landslide causes you to move around constantly, a static wall does nothing for Atlas. However, I feel like having it remain as a defensive tool would not be a particularly bad idea. For this ability, I'm thinking:

  • A wall much like today's, but that can be picked up. The actual implementation of how it would work is a little hazy, especially since having it like Volt's shield when picked up would look sort of goofy whilst using Landslide, but I think this could allow for some cool possibilities that may also help play into his earth bender aesthetic. The damage it blocks could then translate into healing, either flat or %, allowing him to be more well rounded and survivable Not too sure what else to add, but I think these two things could help a lot.

Rumblers are a cool idea, but they simply do not provide much to him. The attention they draw isn't substantial enough, especially given his Petrify/Landslide combo making all non-VIP enemies negligible. They also tend to not stay alive for terribly long.

  • Having the Rumblers stay alive longer is the first step. Then, I think that having them focus on and draw the attention of VIP targets (Eximus, Acolytes, Necramechs and so on) would help w/ a particular weakness of Atlas. Finally, having them inflict increased dmg vulnerability against the enemies they strike (say, 25-40% at base, scaling w/ his rubble and ability strength), which allows for his landslide to better deal with these tanky enemies.

I think that this could make his entire kit more worth using. Frankly, I think he'd become a frame that one would prefer to run their main kit w/o any helminths, though it could allow for more interesting options/choices w/ the helminth system.


Banshee is an interesting frame, as she had some of the most powerful tools in the game w/ Sonar and Silence, yet she still feels like she struggles due to her glass-cannon situation. Frankly, I find this to allow for a greater expression of skill, since one has to pay attention in order to not die (and Silence allows her to not worry about the typical threats and bs of Eximus, Acolytes and so on quite as much). Her passive isn't anything interesting, but is what it is. However, her Sonic Boom and Sound Quake have absolutely no use w/o her augments. These abilities are very difficult to fix, imo.

  • I have no ideas regarding Sonic Boom nor Sound Quake. Perhaps completely replacing the abilities/changing their entire purpose is needed, so long as it doesn't step on the aspects that maker her interesting.

Not exactly a resounding entry, but I figured that mentioning the issues w/ her would give way to some discussion :P (also, she works so well w/ Cyte's helminth that it alone could lead to her not needing changes from here on, even if it sucks that helminth is needed)


Chroma suffers with the same issue as the last two entries... half of his kit being dated/useless. Spectral Scream has nothing interesting to offer, his Effigy is nothing but a glorified credit booster (w/ kinda annoyingly low range) and his passive is, to put it bluntly, trash.

While, iirc, Spectral Scream's damage scales by enemy level, I have never seen it be used due to its damage still not being great and it being a 2-handed action (locking you out of doing anything else until the ability is canceled). Presently, the only reason to keep it over Effigy is to maintain the ability to swap elements mid-mission.

  • Allowing for Spectral Scream to act as a pseudo- Valence Formation, giving your weapons a separate hit of the chosen base element, would be the way to go. This would then play into his weapons platform situation quite well, and warrant the ability to still be the one you swap elements with.
  • If the ability is to stay the same/still not be too worth keeping, then giving its element-switching to Elemental Ward would be a must.
  • Turning it into an exalted weapon could be good. I discuss it more in the Effigy section below.

Effigy is both a dated and disappointing ability. Its damage is pitiful and a massive part of Chroma's charm is his dragon aesthetic and having the main ability that showcases that the most be such a waste of energy outside of it being popped for Profit-Taker is such a tragedy.

  • Should one want to keep the form-splitting, having it follow you, have real movement of its own and perhaps having its flame breath be mod-able would allow for both great versatility and great damage. Though, I personally would like for the defensive drawbacks that make you squishier to be gone. This modded fire breath would also then be applied to Spectral Scream. Given his weapons platform nature, though, it may be better to just have it act as addition CC whilst also giving a boost to his Elemental Ward and Vex Armor, instead. In order to ensure that it doesn't just die, I have a bit of a cool idea. So, whilst you still have the energy to channel it, it will remain invulnerable. However, when you run out of energy, it will not just return to you unless you cancel the ability yourself. It will remain out in a dazed state w/ stats and effects mirroring that of your Chroma build (arcanes and all). It will either die or you will manage to build up your energy pool again. If it died, you will be penalized in being staggered when it returns to you and being hurt. Might be a little complicated though lol
  • Alternatively, have it be an Exalted form. Fly around as a dragon, making use of your usual abilities/weapons but having increased evasion and DR. The idea of a mod-able Spectral Scream returns, as in using your 1 in this mode, you spit flames on the enemies. Perhaps it can have an increased range and wider cone of damage whilst in your 4 would be good. Having movement akin to Jade's Glory on High flight but with greater speed and maneuverability would be cool, or maybe a different style of movement (just not archwing lol).

I think these open up some very cool opportunities for Chroma. I didn't address his passive because I have no clue what would be better. Perhaps increase damage whilst airborne? No clue ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Equinox is going to be a complicated one... To put her issues simply, it can be put into two different points. Firstly, she is clunky and limiting. Secondly, her strengths are simply out-performed by a lot of frames nowadays.

Her being clunky and limiting comes down to her day and night forms not working together. Switching between forms is cool, but when the effects don't carry over and whatnot.

Her being outperformed by many frames is clear. Decrease dmg allies take? Citrine does it better. Restoring your own and your team's shields? Protea and Trinity exist. Map-wide nuke? Boy do we not have enough of those that can do it way faster than she can.

I'm going to go through these sort of quick...

  • Allow the bonuses between Day and Night forms to be more meaningful. Make the switch of Metamorphosis faster.
  • Rest & Rage is fine.
  • Change Pacify & Provoke into a flat channel, perhaps 2.5(?) energy/sec. Higher cost would make it difficult to balance w/ her 4, but may be needed to warrant its strength. Allow for both Pacify and Provoke to last when switching to the opposite mode. Perhaps have them last for 20(?) seconds of being in the opposite mode to still warrant switching, scaling w/ duration. Change Night form's Damage-decrease-on-enemy into a teamwide DR. Same effect, different approach (maybe increasing the number though lol). Generally, it becomes more user-friendly and impactful.
  • Mend & Maim should allow for the effects of Rest & Rage to apply to all enemies within its radius. Releasing the Slash dmg of Maim should also do a burst of healing based on the dmg dealt. If health goes to 0 whist Maim is still being built, it will cast automatically to heal as it usually would and provide 3(?) seconds of health dmg immunity, w/ this on-death effect having a 90(?) second cooldown. The healing allows for one to forego their nuke to heal if needed. The health dmg immunity is to allow for one to build their shields back up. The on-death effect of Maim would help against the typical toxin surprises and is just nice to have. Like w/ Pacify & Provoke, the effects of Mend & Maim would remain when switching forms w/ the same 20(?) second grace period that scales w/ duration.

These changes would be awesome lol. I think that it would allow her to regain some of her strengths and make up for where she is outclassed by her pure versatility. I think this would allow for some very interesting build opportunities and make her have the viability fitting of her theme (and base form's farm lol).


Excalibur is in a pretty decent spot, even with the dated state of most exalted weapons. The main change separate of the dated nature of Exalted Blade would simply be a boost to his passive.

  • Numbers increase to passive: 25% increased dmg and attack speed on ALL MELEES. Also, making the damage increase final would be pretty neat, but probably possibly broken.

That's it. He's in a pretty good spot, and I sort of enjoy that he has to fight a little more to survive in higher-end content. Not every frame needs to be able to last until level cap w/ ease :P


If there was a single frame that was left in the past, it would be Loki. Given the current state of the game, he's simply been left behind.

  • Frankly, I have no idea how to go about Loki. I'm sure that you could do a lot w/ the whole deception-incarnate thing, but I haven't the slightest clue. Maybe I just don't play the frame nearly enough.

Yet another frame that I hope to see discussion about, since I have no ideas -_-


My beloved Paladin. Oberon is actually far better than most give him credit for. However, there are some design decisions that simply make no sense. Namely with his Renewal and Reckoning.

To start, however, we talk about Hallowed Ground. The reason I want to discuss this ability is simply because I find that it should do more to help his health-tanking capabilities.

  • Gives Oberon 50% DR (scales w/ strength up to 90%) when standing on it. Having this be a team-wide ability would be cool, but the status immunity is enough for the support side (and cause it might be a little strong given the strength of his heal and the armor it gives).

Renewal is the largest point of contention for Oberon in a group setting. The immense energy drain for each ally effected takes a massive toll on Oberon's energy economy and actively punishes him for being a support frame. Simply put:

  • Extra drain/ally affected should be removed.

Reckoning has one thing going for it: armor stripping. However, given its cost and the fact that teh armor strip only affects the enemies standing on Hollowed Ground, I think some changes are needed.

  • Armor strip now applies to all enemies the ability targets IF Oberon HIMSELF is standing on Hollowed Ground. To warrant the cost, perhaps having the armor strip be replaced with a defense strip would be better. After all, 100 energy for an armor strip? Seems like a tall ask. Now for a defense strip, it seems way more worth it (especially if it extends to overguard).

His is a pretty light rework, but I think that it'll have massive improvements to the experience of this frame.


Well, where do I start with the Kitty Queen herself? The is a frame that shows her age, that much is for certain. First, her Ripline is useless, same with Paralysis. Hysteria has unreasonable limitations and shows its age by quite a bit.

Ripline and Paralysis both feel very out of place in both her kit and the grand scheme of her design/vibe. Simply put, the only way forward with these two abilities is replacing them entirely, though Paralysis may have potential still.

  • Replacing Ripline with some sort of channeled faction-dmg boost would be a decent idea.
  • Paralysis could become a spherical ability that instead paralyzes the enemies in fear, causing them to writhe in place, opening them to finishers. This could be a really cool idea, I feel.

Hysteria on the other hand, is one of the defining features of Valkyr. However, its limitations (like it damaging/killing you if you cancel it while an enemy is in range and in LoS, or the outrageous energy cost) hold it back immensely.

  • Remove the dmg from cancelling the ability w/ an enemy in LoS and in range. Allow life steal to apply to ranged weapons when switching (aka the main place it'll be useful). This allows for both that stat and her naturally high armor stat to be useful and allow for some interesting gameplay. The exalted itself has many issues stemming from the weapon class as a whole, but generally, making the combos more fluid and giving actual dmg multipliers to the combos would be a start. This makes the weapon more worth using for normal melee, as opposed to only sliding and ground slam attacks.


Reasons for other frames not being included:

  • Baruuk, Caliban, Citrine, Cyte-09, Dagath, Dante, Ember, Frost, Gara, Garuda, Gauss, Grendel, Gyre, Harrow, Hildryn, Hydroid, Inaros, Jade, Khora, Kullervo, Mag, Mesa, Mirage, Nekros, Nezha, Nidus, Nova, Nyx, Octavia, Protea, Revenant, Saryn, Sevagoth, Styanax, Titania, Trinity, Volt, Voruna, Wisp, Wukong, Kaxu, Yareli and Zephyr simply do not need it. Period.
  • Ivara has a very specific gameplay loop. While her Prowl makes her slow, she is incredibly strong and is simply suited to a specific playstyle.
  • Koumei is only good in very long-form gameplay (i.e. levelcap, ESPECIALLY circuit). However, she is not the only one, with Nidus being the main long-ramp-up example. It's just that her ramp up is too slow and restrictive outside of the Circuit due to the insane cooldowns and how much they add up (and they still increase when you cancel the current challenge). Frankly though, this pacing is her only issue. Outside of it or when in Circuit (which she ramps up in very quickly), she is nothing short of incredible.
  • Lavos needs no changes. People simply are not patient enough for his slower and more methodical gameplay. His cooldowns rarely come into play given his Transmutation Probe and Swift Bite, so he essentially has one less stat to worry about. He can nuke pretty easily and has access to one of the strongest augments available, so what more does he need?
  • Limbo is great in solo content (that doesn't deal w/ nullifiers lol) especially if you take silence. Everyone talks about his 4, but 90% of the playerbase does not know/understand the immense potential with his 1-2-3 combo. Go watch a guide video on it. He has a specific and kind of demanding playstyle, but it allows for a great expression of skill. Sure, he isn't good in group content, but the same can be said for many others that require enemy density to shine.
  • Qorvex simply feels incomplete. Despite this, he is VERY capable, if clunky. Frankly, I find that there are plenty of other frames (aka the others above) that could use some help (maybe not Banshee, ig)
  • Rhino feels dated, but is still very capable. I do hope for a touch up, but he's still the king of carrying you through the early game and has no troubles the higher you go. Every level of play is fair game for the behemoth himself.
  • I see many talk about Vauban needing help, but he's very good. While the increasing presence of overguard is giving him trouble, he is still one of the best at timed defense game modes. He actually does decent damage with this orbs, too. Only thing I wish for him is for his Bastille to strip enemy armor of everything within its radius, instead of just those lifted by it (or just include those pulled by Vortex, maybe requiring both to be up for Vortex to benefit).

Aaaand that's about it. I'm sure there are other frames people have concerns about that were listed as not being included, which I'll try to address as they pop up. Hope to hear your thoughts/ideas/critiques!