Questions about PDP Match SF

Hello Walther fam!

I received an email on Tuesday confirming that I was the winner of Walther’s December giveaway for a PDP Match Steel Frame, and have a couple of questions that I figured I’d ask here, as I am relatively new to the handgun world (only just got my first PDP Compact a couple of weeks after purchasing it on Black Friday).

First, will I need to have an optic plate to mount the Trijicon SRO? I’ve read some previously posted threads but I’m unsure if it’s direct mount or not, or even what advantages there would be from purchasing an aftermarket optic plate as opposed to claiming the freebie that Walther provides.

Second, I’m definitely going to want to find new sights to have installed for once I receive my new setup, and would appreciate any recommendations for a set of sights that ideally will co-witness with the SRO.

Thanks in advance for your help, and I look forward to being able to share some pictures once with you all once the gun arrives!

ETA: I reached out to Walther and apparently the gun will come assembled and ship out early next week. Can’t wait to show it off 🥳