Boyfriend isn't excited about marriage despite having ring.

FINAL EDIT: Thank you for hearing me out and leaving your feedback, but, thinking on it, I'm a bit uncomfortable leaving such a personal post up permanently. For anyone reading this post in the future wanting to relate to it, here's a summary:

Together 8 years since HS. Boyfriend has ring. Not excited about marriage, but says he'll do it to make me happy. I feel uncertain about what this means about his feelings toward me.

Moral of the story: I just needed to have another talk with him and have us both lay out our feelings completely without either of us reacting emotionally. In our previous talk, we both did a bad job at articulating how we truly felt and understanding the other person's POV.

I think my relationship, which is fantastic in all other respects, it not worth torpedoing over my arbitrary desire for him to be excited about the institution of marriage. He's willing to marry me because he loves me and wants to spend his life with me, not because he wants to get married, which I think is enough.

Obviously a lot of different perspectives in the comments, and I appreciate them all, but I'm still giving this a shot. I know some were clamoring for a break up (this is Reddit afterall :P), and maybe for good reason based on some of the details of my post, but he really is a good, earnest dude who I was only able to portray from a very limited angle in my original post. And who knows, I could be making a mistake, but it's mine to make. But that's life!

Thanks again, everyone. <3

FINAL FINAL EDIT: Not reading any more comments, but thank you, everyone, for all of your advice and concerns. If you're itching for a hefty dose of schadenfreude, I'll return for an update if our relationship crumbles. Thanks!