this game really sucks

i say this from a few different perspectives so please just hear me out, of course this is just how i feel and the quality of the game is entirely subjective

after years of this really being one of the only games i enjoy playing i feel that matches are just repetitive. the game has been out a little under 2 months and i just really don’t see much substance left as of right now. maybe im speaking too soon, but half of these matche types aren’t even fun to play in my opinion. royal rumble matches for example are absolutely horrible to play and just not fun, the ai interacts weirdly with eachother, its nearly impossible to reverse moves with such a crowded ring. and there’s just so many things in other match types that could be tweaked that just aren’t ever touched upon. why don’t we have 3/4 corners tag matches yet? why does my custom titles front plate disappear whenever i use it in a ladder match?

another issue i have is the new blow for blow mechanic that was added, mainly because if it comes to the bottom mashing part, i don’t think you even can win against your opponent

the lack of original/good entrance animations for trios/tag teams? i think the singles animations we have are fine but as for everything else we have nothing, no good generic title entrances/victories, the special manger entrances (I.E the 4 person judgment day entrance), not to mention we still can’t advance create entrances for teams and create a video is getting better but still sucks/no custom mini trons

i know im being overly nitpicky but this is my favorite game franchise and i drop good money every year on this game. and im bored of it man😭