Idk why it’s doable for everyone but me
I have light family responsibilities, no kids. I work full time with a poor structured work environment and pressure, constantly fear for being laid off, huge mortgage debt every month. I am career transitioning into Computer Science degree. Outside school and work, I’m also hugely concerned how I can find a job after graduating because I cannot afford quiting my full time job for a CS internship.
Also I started applying for new grad roles where it all require relevant tech experience which I do not have, online assessment coding scans and live coding interview which needs heavy leetcode practice, and projects.
I read so many posts of how everyone has newborns and tons of family obligations but still managed to pull through just fine.
Here I am really just having work as a main thing distracting me yet it’s still really difficult to go thought the classes. Studying the OS for programmers and Backend Programming now and I’m nowhere near being these who finished in 3 days, 5 days. I see myself taking minimum 2 months in these.
I start to thin maybe it has something to do with IQ - as in I’m probably just not smart enough for it. But I don’t know…. It’s killing me that I couldn’t complete it as the same pace everyone else is doing it… and how I most likely will land absolutely nothing after graduating which defeats the whole purpose of me trying to get a CS degree.