Teva-lisdexamfetamine question

I feel like the outlier in this and really wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience..

I started out taking brand name vyvanse years ago and felt really dizzy and sick so discontinued and went without meds for a few years. When I finally realized I need them a few years later, my doctor recommended trying vyvanse again first but I actually received the generic for whatever reason. My results on the generic were INSANE. My brain worked for the first time in my life and I didn’t feel absolutely exhausted for once. Just a 10 mg dose made a world of a difference. I had zero side effects, except a little increase in anxiety (to be fair I have high baseline levels of anxiety that I’m working on in therapy). I decided to stay around 20 mgs until the anxiety is improved to not make that worse. My ADHD therapist made a comment that brand name vyvanse sometimes helps with anxiety, so my doctor decided to try to swap me just to see what happens. I was SO sick. 0 appetite, incredibly nauseous, even more anxiety and no clarity or ability to string together thoughts at all.

I’ve only ever seen people have the opposite problem - extremely good results on vyvanse and poor results on generic. I’m curious if anyone had good or better results on teva??