Update on my 10$ vita
Anyways i bought a vita for 10 bucks without anything or accessorys, problem is that at first it had problems charging since it had slightly bent pins, but now they got really bent maybe because of pluging and unpluging. Many of you suggested I should buy a type c mod, or I should just buy motherboard since its easier to install, anyways i took my vita to a technician and he told me he would install a microusb on it and i dont know wth he is on since there is not a single youtube video (i found a youtube video but he didnt scceed😭)or place that talks about microusb on a vita 1000 but he told me he already done it once and he will do it for me for 10$ and i trusted him, and in the mean time decided to go for the 2nd option but they cost 38$, so i took a look at marketplace and found a vita with a broken screen for 20$, and i bought it from him for 15$ to replace the motherboard with mine, but it doesnt want to boot yet (the orange light is blinking and never turns blue as seen on the video) is this a bad sign ?