DD214 - No Flag, No Retirement pin, No Retirement Certificate

I picked up my DD214 on Friday. I was medically retired from the army after 29 years of service because of my lungs 60% and stable. During the MEB the PEB also determined my combat PTSD 50% unfit for service, unstable so will require reevaluation in 7 months.

I also received my Proposed VA Letter, 100% P&T. I hit the retirement roles March 30th.

Retirement Services said when my PTSD has been changed from TDRL to PDLR they will provide all the other things, Flag, Retirement pin and stuff, and Retirement Certificate.

So wrong - Retirement Services said the Army could bring you back on active duty if your PTSD is determined Fit for Duty upon reevaluation. This makes no sense since the primary reason for the MEB was my lungs which are rated at 60%.

Just seems a very wrong with 29 years of service, being 100% P&T, and having a stable 60% Lung rating by the MEB.

More than a little salty! I know the DD214 is all I need but it pisses me off knowing some folks medical retiring are sent off this way.

None of this passes the common sense test.