I (22m) am left questioning all relationships in life
I (22m) had sex with my best friend (21f) recently after her break up it didn’t occur to me that I was a rebound and thought us going out was just for fun and to cheer her up after she was cheated on. She admitted to using me a week after and that she felt nothing and that she still loves me a lot and wants me in her life but only as a friend. This came up because we went out again and she was all over other men when we went out and had a couple drinks, I feel disrespected and left questioning relationships because I opened up to her about not liking to take women out to bars/clubs because I’ve been in this situation before and didn’t like it. Now I’m left questioning if I want to be her friend and other situations with friends and family and if I’m really wanted in people’s live. I’ve noticed I now have a lower sense of self worth and no longer willing to open up to people. I asked her to hangout again as friends she said she’ll let me know but never did. I would’ve been understanding if she told me it was just a rebound if she told me prior , my question is should I still be friends with her ?
TL/DR: my friend used me I no longer want other relationships in life and have no sense of self worth. Should I continue our friendship ?