I got arrested for domestic violence by an abuser

I acted in self defense. He had tortured me all night. I drank to cope, which was my mistake. When I thought he broke my arm, I told him I might seriously need to go to the hospital. He told me I wasn’t allowed because he was scared I’d get him in trouble, so he secretly called the police and acted like the victim to get ahead of the story. The whole confrontation happened because he caught me recording him acting psycho, so he took my phone away. Although I was covered in bruises, I was arrested while trying to sleep. I was too drunk to explain what happened when they showed up. Again, my mistake (maybe). The police report just says I kept complaining about my arm. But the cops didn’t ask why, or check my body. He had some marks on his face, from when I was trying to shove him off of me. When I was in jail for the night, I saw the nurse and she was almost crying from the story I told her while she was documenting all of my bruises. Head to toe. I was beaten so bad. The cops were absolute idiots in this scenario.

The DA dropped the charge after seeing the evidence and my case was dismissed with prejudice by the judge.

The guy I was with would do things like force me to take a hefty amount of sleep medication while he was upset, and then punish me when I got tired from the meds. Forced me to stay awake. I think he might have drugged me that night. Cheated on me. I had to squeeze the toothpaste a certain way or else I’d be in trouble. I could keep going but you get the point. I was in Hell.

AMA, if you want.