Planning to do my first ever race in April - the Circuit Race at Sea Otter - on the Laguna Seca Raceway - training tips and race advice appreciated!
Hello r/velo. First-time racer here. I come from a running background. I originally took up cycling as cross-training, then I found myself riding more and more and running less and less. After a couple years riding solo, I connected with a fast-ish group ride, the Mixed Race in L.A. Riding with these folks pushed me forward and connected me with some good friends that helped me to get faster.
Now, I'm planning to do my first-ever bike race, the Circuit Race at Sea Otter, and I'm feeling a bit unsure and anxious. In running, when you sign up for a 5k or 10k race, you can pretty much run at your own pace, finish, and get your medal.
In a bike race, though, I feel like it's different. My feeling is that if you're with the pack, you're drafting and in good shape. But if you drop off the back, god forbid, you're going to get left behind, and probably lapped, and just generally have a bad time...
I'm going to sign up for the lowest classification: first-time racers. In terms of planning for this race, I'm going to study some youtube videos of the course, since it seems like it has some unique features, like the "corkscrew." (video 1, video 2).
My questions for the community come in two categories:
Training: can anyone recommend a super simple training plan? Like, ELI5 level. In my running days I was never good at sticking to a plan. I would just do some long, slow, some fast and short... Trying to build aerobic base and then build speed work on top. Would it be similar for bike training?
This race in particular: The Sea Otter website says the race ranges from 30 to 60 minutes based on classification. I assume my race would be 30 mins. How would that work, exactly? Would they tell us how many laps the race is, or just see who gets the furthest in that time?
The track: This course looks extremely fast, and I don't want to get in over my head taking those turns at speed. How can I prepare to race on a track like this, in terms of skills, technique?
For this event, I would say I'm not trying to win, or even finish in a particular place, but rather just to survive, get my feet wet in racing, and hopefully stay with the pack and have a decent showing!
edit: here is my latest ride on strava if anyone wants to check out my stats. I don't have a power meter, so I use HR to measure effort.
edit2: I have been reading all the info in the sidebar too: the ELICAT5 stuff is great : D