Incredibly poor behavior from pilot

To start - I do not expect anything to be done, and I realize I may be in the wrong here. Please let me know if I am. This post is merely to "vent" about an experience I encountered

I was on final approach to KORD, runway 09C. On VATSIM radar, I noticed a 767 also turning onto final, about 5–10 miles behind me. I assumed there was enough spacing between us. I figured that even if there wasn't, it was the responsibility of the aircraft behind me to maintain separation. I announced my position on CTAF (“O’Hare traffic, UAL [callsign], 10 miles on the ILS 09C, O’Hare.”) I continued flying the approach at the correct speed and altitude. Around 6 DME, I got a TCAS TA. The aircraft behind me was closing in and flying 600 feet above me. For context, I was on the glideslope, following the proper procedures, so this other pilot was clearly high and fast.

Next thing I know, the 767 overtakes me, flying right above my aircraft. Then it swoops low and starts slowing down right before landing. At that point, I disconnected from the network because I didn’t want to go around because of this jerk.

After landing normally and clearing the runway, I reconnected to announce I was clear of the runway. I sent the pilot a private message asking, “You didn’t get a TCAS RA?” Shortly after that, they disappeared from VATSIM radar. He hadn't even taxied into the gate, he just sat there vacated from the runway.

While I want to assume the best and say that he might've not seen my aircraft or he was just trying to fly an interesting approach, I think it was incredibly poor from him. Funnier yet, I clicked on his profile and it said he had a CMEL or ATPL, I forgot which one. Doesn't seem legit for someone who holds that license to be acting like that. I guess that's why they did it in the simulator.