Why is Killjoy walking into the battlefield wearing bright yellow? Is she stupid?
This is something incomprehensible, KJ certainly seems to have a very high IQ, capable of building interdimensional portals, grenades, automaton turrets and a giant containment dome from a beacon, with the best and most sophisticated technology, it is no wonder that she is one of the heads of the technological development division Kingdom before entering the protocol.
She even invented a kind of lethal bomb (Spike) that was able to lift an entire island off the ground and make it float. This breaks most of the laws of traditional physics, not to mention the countless awards she may have won for her achievements.
But when she goes into a deadly battlefield that could cost her and her companions their lives, she wears an oversized yellow jacket, almost as if saying, "Hey, come shoot me please!" What's going on in her head? How does she get something so simple wrong?
Reading the slightest bit of color theory, you can know that 'yellow', psychologically, tends to attract more attention visually than other colors, did she never see a traffic light? 'Attention' is literally attributed to yellow, you learn this since, I don't know, the primary? In the game, I don't even know why the DEVS went to the effort of putting an outline around KJ's model because this jacket already reveals where she is meters away.
The jacket looks more like a giant pair of buoys, which is of no use, as the protocol does not carry out underwater missions, not even Wingman want to stole those, he just want her shoes already! (which are indeed nice). Look at Kay/O, all he needs is a pair of pants! (for some reason I can't tell) And he is doing super fine!
But no, KJ needs to have this weird jacket to harm the rest of the team. If she thinks yellow makes her more charismatic, she's wrong, it just makes me doubt who came up with the idea that she is a genius.
"They should probably re-evaluate their approach"? More like "You should reconsider your fashion choices"
(Also, she just keep saying out loud that the enemies must run for their ult. Bro, don't say to the enemy to rotate for the other site, there is nobody there 💀)