i hate speaking in valorant

I hate speaking in any game. I'm a girl and I have been playing roughly for a year now and as of recent I've found unbearable to speak these last few months. I know how toxic in general the gaming community can be towards women. But these last few months it's just been worse.

I've been called a plethora of names, sexually harassed, had teammates throw, and I've been blamed for losing games for simply speaking. I can't make callouts without being harassed or bullied and while I've just defaulted to turning my mic off typing in chat sucks. I know most people will say just mute them or ignore it but it's so disheartening that I can't play or make callouts without being harassed.

It's not every game but it's a good majority of them. I'm not sure how to deal with it anymore. I've taken a break but I really do like playing the game, but the amount of toxicity really sucks.

EDIT: Thank you for all the kind comments and the advice!

To answer a few questions im 24, i play on PC and I normally solo q. I usually play in the central NA sever. I typically play comp because I heard that people tend to take the game more serious. I am in in lower elo (im b3 my peak has been s3) so thats like a 50/50 chance sometimes. its tough haha 😅 I usually queue alone just because many of my friends don't like val

I'm disheartened to see how many people have also had a similar experience. however its definitely not surprising :(

i understand the gaming community can be toxic however it really does suck that the only option it seems is to mute or not speak. I love talking but not when i'm being berated for it.

I'm definitely looking into joining a sever and queuing up with some people that reached out :) but for now I definitely need a break.

thank you all again :3