It’s my birthday 🥳 🎂
An I have no one to share it or do anything with really, I stopped texting you cause I wanted to see where our “friendship” would go if I stopped putting in all the effort and would you look at that lol it died
You’re throwing a fire flow party today and I was supposed to come but I’m stressed out and I did things for you that you could never do for me so in that aspect I am done going out of my way for someone who wouldn’t do the same for me.
What’s fucked is that I really thought that you would’ve been the first person to text me and it just shows me that you were using me to get what you wanted that you had no intentions of having a “friendship” with me after the fact.
I really hope that by you giving your ex gf a second chance but dumping me like next days trash is fucking wild, especially after all the things we planned an you honestly didn’t have a care in the world to do any of those things with me, my heart hurts and I’m allowed to be upset but I’m seeing all the red flags now as well like I really don’t want someone in my life who thinks it’s okay to shame a fucking lady for going through with a abortion like you’re the biggest piece of shit I have ever met. You might be changing an healing but that could never be forgiven a you’ll probably do it again cause that’s just who you really are. But I hope that you two are able to make it work for the better. You’re not my person, I wanted you in my life an I showed you that but you turned around and made it known that i don’t mean a fucking thing to you and honestly I am so grateful for that.
Thank you for breaking me for completely shattering my very own existence.
I’m constantly evolving and this is the level up that I desperately needed.
I let things slide cause I don’t want to lose people but where does that leave me? Bruised, bloody and battered when the other person wouldn’t even do the same for me.
I’ve taken a huge step back and I’ve detached myself from you, everything about you. I’m sad but I lost myself in such a short time that it really fucked me up to do better for myself, not for you.
Cause I love me more than I could ever love you. And I’m tired of letting other people come in and use me for their benefit because I don’t see the bad in people until it’s too late or I’ve split or gone into a bpd rage on you.
I fell in love with you, for you not for what you had but for you and I am seeing that wasn’t the case on my end, I had something for you to love and it’s wasn’t me and I see that now.