Late submission leaves me feeling genuinely ill.
had stayed up all night to finish a 4000 word essay and was feeling great. it was a module a genuinely enjoyed in 2nd year LLB law. the essay was worth 100% of the module. i had finished the essay and uploaded it onto canvas and pressed submit with hours to go befor the submission deadline... Only I never actually pressed submit. I had missed the checkbox in the corner to agree to the terms of the submission portal and the academic misconduct regulations which meant when i pressed submit absolutely nothing happened. pretty much a full day goes by when im submitting an assignment for a different module and i see the wee box and press it and hit submit and thats when the realisation hit me and my stomach started doing backflips and i literally started shaking and having what i think was a panick attack. Had to go in and submit through the late submission portal which is now capped at 40%. I am so disappointed in myself and feel like ive let myself and my family down.